Student Testimonials

“People make places”. In today’s world of social media and paid news, one cannot be sure of the authenticity and the quality of trainings that are being offered.

“Personal references” and “word of mouth” are important in choosing a school and a course. We are providing a selection of testimonials and reviews from our students coming from all over the world.

Amy, UK

Doris, Austria

  • I have had the pleasure of learning from Sudhir at a 200-HR YTTC, 30-HR Pranayama, 30-HR Meditation, 50-HR Philosophy, and a retreat in Portugal. Sudhir is most excellent! Kimber (another teacher I studied with who is part of Sthira Yoga) is most excellent too! What I have learned from the above trainings and more has contributed significantly to my life, helping to clear up much confusion and provide direction on my spiritual path. I recommend Sthira Yoga and Joy is My Nature to anyone interested in Yoga, especially if one is interested in the more spiritual and philosophical aspects. Sat Chit Ananda (don't forget). Thank you to everyone involved in Sthira Yoga and Joy is My Nature!

    Michael Hughes, USA

  • Sudhir is a great teacher: welcoming, open minded and inspiring. I am hugely grateful to be able to continue to learn from Sudhir from across the world. His teachings have taught me so much about how we can view and work with the world, ourselves and others in order to accept, reduce suffering and ultimately cultivate a sense of peace and happiness. Sudhir enables me to confidently practice and share yogic philosophy and techniques. The recent pranayama course that I took part in gave me the depth of understanding I was looking for to be able to progress my own practice and provide the right knowledge teach others", I have really appreciated this course and would love to be able to participate in future courses (such as meditation and philosophy).

    Claire Naisby, UK

  • I had the luck to meet Sudhir in Agonda during my teacher training. From the very beginning I loved his classes and satsangs, the way he shares his knowledge and the light but deep approach he has towards any kind of topic. He has always been available to answer my questions and to share more about his experiences, giving you a lot of hints for personal growth. After I finished my teacher training and came back to Italy I continued following his activities and podcasts, for this reason as soon as I saw his online courses I decided to join the 30 hours Advanced Pranayama TTC. I am glad I did it as I had the chance to deepen my practice and learn new techniques I can now share with friends and students. The course is very well structured, the mix of pre recorded videos, live sessions and the manual gives you a complete approach to the theory and practice of breathing techniques. Hope I'll soon have the chance to join new courses!

    Marta Caroti, Italy

Violet, UK

Jennifer, Sweden

  • I am so lucky to know this positive man. He taught me to question everything, given me tools to explore to cope and encouraged me in my yoga learning. Thank you Sudhir for everything. Your smiling face is such a joy.

    Tiffany Jackson, UK

  • Sudhir taught me Indian Philosophy, Pranayama and Meditation my teacher training. I learnt so so much, that life gift I will be eternally grateful for and have changed my life for the better forever. This lead me to take his online courses. After being introduced to new breathing techniques this week, I can finally taste and smell again after 5 weeks of loosing both. I honestly thought i may never taste coffee again! I took 3 online courses with with Sudhir and Veena and they are amazing. They added lot of value to me as an individual and as a teacher. I strongly recommend these courses to everyone

    Cordelia Simpson, UK

  • Siobhan UK I would like to say again how much I have enjoyed Sudhir’s teachings. Having taken part in both meditation and Philosophy course, I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to learn from you. The philosophy course has really blown my mind and really made me think long and hard, I feel like so many metaphorical doors have been opened. I do hope that in the future I will be able to take more training from you.

    Siohan, UK

Ina, Germany

Tina, US

  • Authentic, practical, uplifting, joyful! I did the 30 Hour online Advanced Pranayama Course and very happy with everything about the course. As a 200hr Yoga Teacher I already learnt the basics in pranayama but this course offers so much in taking pranayama to another level both for personal practice and teaching. The course materials were very clear. It’s clear that the team led by Sudhir draw on many years of experience so the course is rooted in authentic, practical knowledge. Most of all there is a light and uplifting sense from the course which delivers practical ways to unlock the central message……that Joy is our true nature.

    Mike Waston, UK

  • I feel so much gratitude for having had the wonderful Sudhir as my guru, guide and teacher in India. He taught us so much in such a short space of time in these courses. Something I can come back to again and again. This has allowed me to approach life’s difficulties with love and grace, time and again.

    Sarah Wilkinson, UK

  • Listening to you so much over the last month through all your online courses, I now dream in your voice. Thanks for sharing all your wisdom. It is priceless. I am RYT-500 and a full-time yoga teacher. I highly recommend Sudhir and Veena’s courses to all yoga teachers and students. I am planning to join their future courses too.

    Roxy Caicedo, USA

Clarissa, Germany

Tipa, Thailand

Kim, Australia

Carla, France

Arit, USA

Anja, Berlin

Sonya, UK

Mia, Denmak

Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Start your yoga teaching journey in Goa, India, with Sthira Yoga Teacher Training courses. Allow your passion to become your purpose and gain a Yoga Teacher Training certificate recognised by Yoga Alliance.